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Technical, Buck VS VS Hype


On the subject of today we bring something of paramount importance where we ask ... The technique overcomes the Buck? Some say yes and this is an endless dialogue Americans characterize the technique as TIGHT (precision, accuracy, dexterity) and Buck as feeling (feeling, raw) ...

The essence of krump revolves around the Buckness is BUCK holding up krump flow before the age RIZE it was only in Wild Out that is was pure feeling, pure rawness with time the technique has been giving way to more significant details and detailed and this is entered in the new era called KRUMP NEW SCHOOL, the Rounds were longer because of musical transition that made more arrangements and heavier melodies and more underground and there is born the groove (Word tight eyes) unfortunately with many new fans to krump and even the old clinging to new school we see very few investing in BUCK and there ends up confusing the krump techniques with hip hop (tricks combos, puzzles) and this because they do not have the BUCK to support the movement ...

Buck is not power at all times but Buck is Raw and Wild because it is the raw energy that moves the intention of krump ... Many in battles have beautiful and outlandish combos but to direct your combos through the sequence flow turns popping , hip hop or anything less krump and this because they care more about the effects than with the essence krump itself Tight eyes said "in krump it is not suppose to be super clean but rough" that is, in krump not necessarily all it's about being clean or defined more yes ROUGH and there break the ground what many believe to be super clean is to be buck, you can be clean and buck, or can be buck just as when running a SPAZZ OUT (lose physical or emotional control) do not believe that here there will be clean like you think have.

Krump is dance but everything is about expression and it is governed by the raw feeling of the thing even more so is dance ...

And where the hype comes? This is exactly the point, people create beautiful sequences but forget to keep BUCK and the buck behind the hype, have battled with people in their sleep moments (why not worked the character to link with the changes) forced the BUCK for the public hype and this is the problem, UglyFate said the hype should be true, it comes through the attitude behind your drives your drive must awaken Grimey feeling. in the public that takes them to burst into hype and not to hype by affinity or because u is the same crew, this becomes a false hype because there was no flow to such hype is preceded by BUCK if Buck is true the hype will come, and there this vc difference can make a thousand arms thousand combos but if Buck is not explicit only one character attitude will debunk his drive, Konkrete is a Krumper example of dancing on Buck all the time, tight eyes says "I need the hype" this because he builds his own hype, I witnessed Spartan in the wall dancing and before performing his movement he entered hype with his drive which amazed me because I had never seen it and always it to the end fell into ecstasy even making LAB, this is true BUCK and it comes from within and do not necessarily need approval from outside because the outside even not admitting feel and will be impacted by this Buck like it or not (and there u see the row frowns face poker who felt the buck but do not want to kkkk hype)


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